Friday, January 28, 2011
Kitchen Failures & A Few Surprises
Monday, January 24, 2011
Oh Happy Winter Day!

We had a great weekend with Greyson. It snowed 8-10 inches at our house last Wednesday night. Thursday night, we put Greyson's bunting outfit on him and took him out in the snow. We set him on the driveway and he just sat there. We then helped him make a snow angel. We wasn't sure what to think of the whole thing. Friday night, it snowed some more. On Saturday, we decided to go find Greyson a sled. Walmart was out of them, so Luke tried Toys R Us. We were in luck. He got a toddler sled that has a seat belt. I wasn't sure what Greyson would think of sledding. He loved it. He loved going downhill, loved going uphill, loved sitting in the sled, etc. It was so cute. I think it ranks #1 in the best thing we have all done together.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
My 1st Storyboard

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
1st Haircut Disaster

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I wrapped up my first year of blogging. Stacey, thank you for introducing me to it. I have to say I really enjoyed getting a journal online. I looked back at all the posts the other day and I forgot some of the things that I had posted. I do want to make some changes going forward although. I kind of feel like my blog is all over the place. It has Greyson updates and pictures, cooking trials, bargain shopping, photography, etc. But, you know what? I kind of like that it is just a hodgepodge (sp?) of stuff. I don’t think I’m going to have anyone contact me about putting ads on my page for having lots of followers, but that’s not why I’m doing this. I like the idea of being able to look back on this in a few years and see what was going on. I like having a journal to accompany the pictures incase I forget why a certain picture was taken.
Throughout the year, I posted my coupon craziness. I am here to report about that the goal I made for myself last July about not buying shampoo, conditioner, body wash, etc., for the whole year. Did I make it? Almost! I still have all of the above, but I did give in and buy 1 bottle of Caress Evenly Gorgeous Burnt Sugar Body Wash. I love that stuff. I got tired (about a month ago) of using bar soap and just couldn’t resist. Still, I think I saved about $65 from just using samples and I still have more samples to use. I’m going to continue this trend throughout 2011.
I didn’t do as well as I wanted to in clipping coupons. Once the Thanksgiving and Christmas rush hit, I kind of forgot about doing it. Well, forgot isn’t really the word. I didn’t want to do it. It saves so much money, so I’m proud to say that as of 01/01 I am back on track. I already got some really good deals. =)
Last year, I mainly posted monthly updates on Greyson. I did this partly because we were taking his picture with the elephant once a month for his baby book. Going forward, I’m going to try doing shorter posts about what is going on day to day with him.
Anyways, thanks for following all of my randomness and you can expect to see me throughout the year.
Love you all!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
My Baby Boy
My Baby Boy
I can’t believe he is one. It feels like the last few months have just flown by. I will probably be saying the same thing in a few years, but instead of months I will be saying the years have flown by.
How do I feel about today? How do I feel about the past year? How do I feel about having a toddler?
Today, I feel relieved.
I feel relieved that we made it to a year. I feel like I have a tiny little miracle and have been afraid to fully embrace him. I’ve always felt (and so has Luke) that something is going to be wrong. It started with the pregnancy. I couldn’t ever get the point of enjoying being pregnant because after I got used to the idea we had problems. Once Greyson was born, knowing the circumstances of him having the cord wrapped around his shoulders in a knot and him being deprived of oxygen, I just felt dread. I dreaded hearing what complications the Doctors would find. When I was told that I had a perfect little boy, I couldn’t get the thought out of my head that complications would arise. Through the doctor appointments, concerns about weight & height, bouts with pneumonia, small developmental delays, etc., to me it all confirmed my worst fear. Something is wrong with him. It will be at the next doctor appointment that they tell me that they found out what is wrong. Somehow, 1 year later, I feel relieved. I finally feel like I can embrace him and forget about some of those earlier complications. Now that he is a “toddler” and not a baby for some reason all I see is a healthy gorgeous little boy. Today, I feel relieved.
Looking over the past year, I feel sad.
I feel sad that the first year is over never again to be relived. I know that the past year has brought milestones that I can never get back. Greyson will never have that newborn smell again. I will never be excited when he rolls over, takes a bottle, and sleeps through the night. I’m sad that these things which were such big things throughout the first year will be little (to be forgotten) things going forward. Looking over the past year, I feel sad.
Looking forward, gives me joyful anticipation.
I feel like there is so much to experience with him and I want to get to everything. I need to keep reminding myself that we have time to do everything and we need to embrace all the little things. I can’t wait to see him taking his first steps, telling me that he loves me, carting his animals around in his shopping cart, etc. I can’t wait for him to cuddle on my lap while watching a movie, climb into bed with Luke and I on a Saturday morning and help us cook. These things that I can’t wait for will come and I just need to be patient. Looking forward, gives me joyful anticipation.
My goal for today:
To savor the day and what it brings. What he learns, does and experiences. Savor it for what it is and document it with pictures. That is my goal for today.
My baby boy – I love you more than I thought would be possible.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
12 months

Here's your life at 12 months:
You weigh 18.6 lbs (3rd percentile) and you are 29 inches long (25th percentile).
You eat just about everything we eat. The only thing that we’ve found you don’t like is dill pickles. Every time I try to give you one, you screw up your nose and turn your head to the side. It cracks me up. You are still taking a bottle in the morning and evening.
You still go to bed at 7pm and now wake up pretty consistently at 6:15am. On a great day, you sleep to 6:45 and both your Daddy and I love those days. You take two naps as well. Your naps are between 1 – 1 ½ hours.
Your 6-9 month pants fit great but you are able to keep some of your 6-12 month pants up as well. All your other clothes are 6-12 months.
You wear a size 3 diaper during the day, but you have to wear a size 4 overnight diaper at night.
You have tons of hair. I thought it would be curly but it is straight and fine. You need a haircut and I’m dreading it.
Your favorite part of the day is still bath time. We say, “Greyson, its bath time.” You start crawling to the bath and say “bah, bah, bah”.
You have started cruising. I think it is still going to be another month or so until you start walking, but that is coming next. You finally figured out how to clap. I've been working on this with you forever and you finally did it for Daddy. =(