Have you ever been at the store and happen to get in the check-out line right behind a lady with a ton of coupons? Did it take forever for the checker to ring everything up? Did the checker have to call the customer service manager up to the front because the crazy shopper lady had a few coupons that wouldn't scan? This was totally me today. I was the crazy shopper lady. There were tons of people behind me and I was at the only open check-out open at Dillons. I felt a little bit bad, but I wanted to get the most out of my coupons. It was definitely worth it! I had the best shopping trip to date. I got four toothbrushes, two things of deodorant and eight tubes of toothpaste all for free. Total bill before coupons was $114.37 and after coupons the total was $30.79. Amazing, isn't it? $30.79 for everything! Just because I'm proud of myself, here's a picture.

(Lysol, 2 Welches Grape Fruit Juice, two bags of Dixie napkins, two packages of Dixie plates, 6 bags of Kraft cheese, two things of deodrants, lots of tootpaste, two bags of diapers, etc...etc...etc..)
ReplyDeleteSeriously, you are gonna have to show me how to do this!!!