I thought I would just blog a bit about myself and what has been going on for me in the last month.
I'm getting in a rhythm of staying home with Greyson and, to my surprise, I enjoy it most days. As most of you know, I tend to be anal about things and I am really enjoying keeping Greyson on a schedule. I like knowing what he ate, when he slept and what he did all day. We stay at home most of the time. When we want to get out of the house we go grocery shopping or go on walks around the neighborhood. I recently joined a Moms group. So far, I've met two young moms and we are going to start doing play dates at each others' houses every other week.
I love that our house stays so much cleaner now that I'm home. I have a schedule of what to do each day and it seems to help.
Here is what I do:
Daily: Make bed and pickup kitchen and living room
Monday: Clean Bathrooms
Tuesday: General Cleanup
Wednesday: Dust and Vacuum
Thursday: Laundry
Friday: Kitchen
Every other week is deep clean week. It works for me. =)
Every day, I devote about two hours to photography. I read tutorials, watch videos on YouTube, search Flickr, and work on business papers. Right now, I'm in the middle of writing my business plan and getting a model release form together. After the business plan is done, my next step is to get Dad to help me with all the tax stuff. I have briefly looked in to that portion of things and have decided that it is way over my head. I guess I'm going to have to "hire" an accountant.
I ordered business cards a few weeks' ago and got them yesterday. I'm not crazy about the quality of them (probably because I got them for free - just had to pay $3.99 for shipping), but I may be able to doctor them up a bit. We will see. I also received 5 8X10's of my photos in the mail from WHCC (professional photo lab for photographers). You chose 5 photos and they will print and ship them for free so that you can see the quality of the printer, how your monitor calibration is set, etc. I'm super happy with the quality of the prints and even happier that my photos look great in print.
I had my first paying session last week. It was a maternity shoot - my first ever! I'm not ecstatic with how the session turned out, but I do feel like I got some good shots. I think it will be a learning process each time.
I started my photography class last Wednesday. It is every Wednesday for six weeks and it is for three hours. Every week, we have a homework assignment and this first one I'm not liking. I have to take 12 pictures of one object with 12 different angles shot at all the same settings. I can't get motivated to actually take the pictures, because it just sounds soooooo boring.
I've been scrapbooking a bit as well. I think that my creative juices from photography are helping with me being motivated to scrapbook. Here are my latest pages:

I LOVED this blog! You don't write about yourself very often, so it was nice to get an update :) I'm glad you're enjoying staying at home and working on your photography. Can't wait til you get to come down here again!