We had our PAT Teacher come this morning. Greyson has a blast when she comes, because she brings new toys. She always plays with Greyson, but also shows him something new in regards to learning. Today, she brought a homemade piggy bank and they worked on turning the coins (from right to left and vice versa) and putting them in. She tells me that Greyson is advanced in fine motor skills. Fine motor consists of things like: manipulating straws to drop in a hole, using two fingers to pick up something, etc. She also said that he is advanced with playing by himself. I told her that he can occupy himself for 30-45 min at a time. She said 15 mins at a time is great at this age. He is also advanced at pretend play. He is able to push a car around and she said that is a skill for 18 months+. The two major things that he is not doing quite as well is walking and talking. We are so close on walking, but we have had a few setbacks. He has fallen three times in the last two weeks. All three times, he has hit the same tooth and has had a mouth full of blood. He is doing great walking with one of our hands and pushing his little cart around. He can now back-up if he runs it into something. Its so cute. As far as talking goes, we are working with him. I've seen a huge increase in his receptive language. I just need to work with him on being more verbal. Consistently, he is saying: dada, hat and cat.
I'll be interested to know his weight/height. We go to the doctor next week, so I should know that kind of stuff then.
I know this is silly, but I really love your pictures.. I wanted to see if you wanted tell me what kind of camera you have? Thanks
Thanks! For the random pictures (one here and there), I use a Canon PowerShot SD 960 IS. It's a small point and shoot, which I love. For the pictures that all relate to each other, I use a Nikon D 90 and have different lenses for it. I have a photography business, so if you ever want pictures....let me know. www.foreverandalways.posterous.com
I knew he was a genius!!!