You eat three meals a day, and a ton of snacks! You love to eat. Your favorite things to eat are multiple ingredient meals (tacos, lasagna, chili, etc.). You even like hot stuff. Daddy eats Jalapeño chips (which he says are very hot) and you love them.
You go to sleep at 7:30pm and get up around 7:15am. This is the first time in your life that you have consistently slept past 7am. I like it! You nap at 12:30 and take a two hour nap.
You wear mostly 18 month clothing with some that are sized 18-24 months. You are wear a size 6 shoe.
You wear a size 4 diaper during the day and a size 4 overnight diaper at night.
You love to play outside. You love to play at playgrounds, "drive" the car, boat or tractor (but you don't want to actually start them because they make noise - you hate noise), put Mommy and Daddy night night, play with your little people sets and vacuum the house.
You have started connecting two words together. Some things you say are: "All done," "More please, " etc.
Unfortunately, you have also started throwing major fits. We had to leave Ocean Zen a few weeks' ago, because you wouldn't stop throwing a fit. During the fits, you bang your head on the floor. You get out of control.
On the good side of things, you have started squeezing us when you give hugs. I just love that.
*Warning...picture overload

Trying to get a snapshot of all of us = FAILURE

Eating salsa with a spoon = Crazy baby!

Coloring with Daddy

Trying to find puddles to go puddle jumping, but we couldn't find any. =(

Working on fine motor skills.

Great Grandpa & Grandma got Greyson a really cool truck.

Listening to story time at Barnes and Noble.

Enjoying his first sucker.

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