Here's your life at 11 months:
You weigh 17.2 lbs and you are 28.75 inches long. You stayed the same with your weight but you gained .25 in length.
You are eating at the same time we are. Daddy found out that you love to take bites out of a banana for breakfast. You eat the whole banana this way. You still have quite the appetite. I stopped nursing you after Thanksgiving. You are now taking two bottles a day.
Your sleep schedule has changed quite a bit since last month. You still go to bed at 7pm but you now get up between 6:15-6:35am. You still take two naps a day. The morning nap is your longer nap and you usually sleep about an hour and a half. During the afternoon nap you sleep about 45 min.
You are finally fitting in to 6-12 month clothing. The pants are still too big and you crawl right out of them, but sleepers and onesies are fitting well.
You wear a size 3 diaper during the day, but you have to wear a size 4 diaper at night. Nothing has changed here from last month.
Your hair has grown and grown. I gave you a small trim a few weeks' ago but you need another one. I am trying to let it grow long enough so that Grandpa can tie a jig with your hair.
You still love bathtime. We are trying to teach you not to pull up on the side of the tub. You love to pull up to stand and we can't get you to stop. You drink the bath water and sometimes choke but you are learning.
You are crawling everywhere. You revert back to the army crawl occasionally but you crawl most of the time. You pull up on everything (tables, chairs, doors, walls, etc.). You haven't started crusing yet, but I know its coming.
You talk all the time. Your favorite things to say are: dadada, mamama and bababa. I know you know who Dada and Mama are because when I leave the room you crawl after me and say "mama". It is so precious.